Vortrag "The Criminalization of Sexual Harassment" (Hamburgische Reihe zum Sexualstrafrecht)

Im Herbst findet eine mehrteilige Veranstaltungsreihe des djb Hamburg in Kooperation mit WoMen*in Law und der Amnesty-Hochschulgruppe der Bucerius Law School zum Thema „Sexualstrafrecht“ statt.

Digitale Abschlussveranstaltung „The Criminalization of Sexual Harassment“, Vortrag (englisch) von Dr. Linnea Wegerstad


Dr. Linnea Wegerstad addresses a theoretical approach to the criminalisation in relation to sexual harassment using Sweden as an example. The topic is spurred by two separate yet interrelated phenomena, the first being the #metoo movement and its raised awareness of the widespread problem of sexual harassment while questioning criminal law as a proper response to the issue. The second being the growing concern amongst international researchers and Swedish activists that the feminist struggle against sexual violence is turning towards punitive measures. The lecture seizes to spark a critical conversation with criminal law and policy. 


Dr. Wegerstad is a senior lecturer at University of Lund with her research focusing on sexual integrity, feminist legal theory as well as criminal law. She is internationally recognized as an expert in this field and has been published many times nationally and internationally. We are beyond happy to have her as our finale speaker at our Sexual Criminal Law Lecture Series. 


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Veranstaltungsort: virtuell (Zoom)
Veranstalter: LV Hamburg

02.11.2021 - 19:00 Uhr bis 02.11.2021 - 20:30 Uhr

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